ID | Status | Priority | Author | Assignee | Create | Update |
21040 | Pending | medium | eggwithbea… |
This instance cant be completed in normal nor heroic because bots cant reach Wise Mari, there is a bridge just before enter the room where the boss is, but even with the event has started they stay there. (even with .bot contro attack).
Suggestion (dont know if its possible, but could be this dungeon out of random queue or give us any tool to teleport bots when they are stuck like in this case?)
Thanks in advance!
1. | Celtix | Class: Warrior | Faction: Alliance | 852 kills |
2. | Onyx | Class: Hunter | Faction: Alliance | 789 kills |
3. | Kidpuncher | Class: Warrior | Faction: Horde | 748 kills |
4. | Maxine | Class: Monk | Faction: Horde | 607 kills |
5. | Signor | Class: Paladin | Faction: Alliance | 583 kills |
6. | Mygfpally | Class: Paladin | Faction: Horde | 503 kills |
7. | Yunawarrior | Class: Warrior | Faction: Alliance | 391 kills |
8. | Origen | Class: Priest | Faction: Horde | 379 kills |
9. | Lontemarte | Class: Hunter | Faction: Horde | 363 kills |
10. | Dafuqboom | Class: Druid | Faction: Horde | 355 kills |
11. | Slyze | Class: Rogue | Faction: Horde | 292 kills |
12. | Duki | Class: Mage | Faction: Horde | 269 kills |
13. | Cheekclpperx | Class: Priest | Faction: Alliance | 262 kills |
14. | Levathen | Class: Hunter | Faction: Alliance | 257 kills |
15. | Gammaray | Class: Warlock | Faction: Alliance | 256 kills |