ID | Status | Priority | Author | Assignee | Create | Update |
20995 | Fixed | high | ItsGrits |
While playing as a Goblin i was completing quests and came across "Life Of The Party" in which im supposed to entertain party goers using a vehicle type hotbar selection and upon walking out of building after accepting the quest the hotbar disappears leaving me unable to complete the quest causing character to be stuck in goblintown and unable to proceed with the game.
1. | Celtix | Class: Warrior | Faction: Alliance | 852 kills |
2. | Onyx | Class: Hunter | Faction: Alliance | 789 kills |
3. | Kidpuncher | Class: Warrior | Faction: Horde | 748 kills |
4. | Maxine | Class: Monk | Faction: Horde | 607 kills |
5. | Signor | Class: Paladin | Faction: Alliance | 583 kills |
6. | Mygfpally | Class: Paladin | Faction: Horde | 503 kills |
7. | Yunawarrior | Class: Warrior | Faction: Alliance | 391 kills |
8. | Origen | Class: Priest | Faction: Horde | 379 kills |
9. | Lontemarte | Class: Hunter | Faction: Horde | 363 kills |
10. | Dafuqboom | Class: Druid | Faction: Horde | 355 kills |
11. | Slyze | Class: Rogue | Faction: Horde | 292 kills |
12. | Duki | Class: Mage | Faction: Horde | 269 kills |
13. | Cheekclpperx | Class: Priest | Faction: Alliance | 262 kills |
14. | Levathen | Class: Hunter | Faction: Alliance | 257 kills |
15. | Gammaray | Class: Warlock | Faction: Alliance | 256 kills |
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