ID | Status | Priority | Author | Assignee | Create | Update |
21002 | Pending | high | Splosion | Not edited yet |
sometimes when queueing for BGs (not always) the queue will pop but when you press "enter battle" the interface will dissapear but you won't actually join battle.. however if you type /who (name of that BG) all the enemy team bots entered the BG..
following that you will get a pop up every 30 seconds to enter the BG again.. but the enter battle button will not work, this will cause duplications of the BG instance and cause bots to endlessly enter BGs.. until the server crashes.. the bots that bug out get teleported to "quel'thalas" a zone that's not even accessible to players..
1. | Gul | Class: Warlock | Faction: Horde | 1671 kills |
2. | Praystation | Class: Priest | Faction: Horde | 1624 kills |
3. | Flipmode | Class: Warrior | Faction: Horde | 1577 kills |
4. | Masha | Class: Monk | Faction: Horde | 1569 kills |
5. | Sneakers | Class: Rogue | Faction: Horde | 1568 kills |
6. | Oksimoron | Class: Mage | Faction: Horde | 1563 kills |
7. | Shift | Class: Druid | Faction: Horde | 1548 kills |
8. | Djano | Class: Hunter | Faction: Horde | 1507 kills |
9. | Apostolov | Class: Shaman | Faction: Horde | 1503 kills |
10. | Laikanduro | Class: Paladin | Faction: Horde | 1494 kills |
11. | Artass | Class: Death knight | Faction: Horde | 1410 kills |
12. | Celtix | Class: Warrior | Faction: Alliance | 1072 kills |
13. | Onyx | Class: Hunter | Faction: Alliance | 789 kills |
14. | Kidpuncher | Class: Warrior | Faction: Horde | 748 kills |
15. | Maxine | Class: Monk | Faction: Horde | 607 kills |