ID | Status | Priority | Author | Assignee | Create | Update |
21007 | Pending | medium | Flint02 | Not edited yet |
The quest 'Into the Mists' in Orgrimmar has been bugged for approximately a week, now, with the teleportation and missing cinematic being the primary issue. Upon hitting level 85, one can get the quest and fly to Nazrim's zepplin to head to the Pandaria isles, but once anyone attempts to teleport, they spawn in the unphased version of Nazgrim's ship where there are no quests, NPCs, and no possibility of getting the Pandaria portal in Orgrimmar's Valley of Honor. This has been a little on the unfortunate side, as flying to the zepplin every single time to head to Pandaria is not the most ideal.
Thank you guys for all that you do! You are awesome!
1. | Celtix | Class: Warrior | Faction: Alliance | 852 kills |
2. | Onyx | Class: Hunter | Faction: Alliance | 789 kills |
3. | Kidpuncher | Class: Warrior | Faction: Horde | 748 kills |
4. | Maxine | Class: Monk | Faction: Horde | 607 kills |
5. | Signor | Class: Paladin | Faction: Alliance | 583 kills |
6. | Mygfpally | Class: Paladin | Faction: Horde | 503 kills |
7. | Yunawarrior | Class: Warrior | Faction: Alliance | 391 kills |
8. | Origen | Class: Priest | Faction: Horde | 379 kills |
9. | Lontemarte | Class: Hunter | Faction: Horde | 363 kills |
10. | Dafuqboom | Class: Druid | Faction: Horde | 355 kills |
11. | Slyze | Class: Rogue | Faction: Horde | 292 kills |
12. | Duki | Class: Mage | Faction: Horde | 269 kills |
13. | Cheekclpperx | Class: Priest | Faction: Alliance | 262 kills |
14. | Levathen | Class: Hunter | Faction: Alliance | 257 kills |
15. | Gammaray | Class: Warlock | Faction: Alliance | 256 kills |