Unique views: 245Total views: 335Random BG Que with 5 man group, in Battleground for Undefined.
Happening in multiple bg level brackets. It only let me successfully que and pop into a random bg once with a 5 man group. Now the wait que is endless when I try. I can get in solo queing into random bg's. I can take a 5 man into specific bg's. But even sitting for 30m doesn't make the random bg que pop.
What I've noticed is that if you let all the battlegrounds end. To the point of where you can /who warsong gulch, arathi basin, eye of the storm, alterac valley, and there are zero bots in them. Then you que up for a random battleground with your 5 man bot team. Every single one of the battlegrounds populate to 50+ bots, but your que still never pops.
Update#1 Day 2, still can't que with a 5 man group, you can with 3, but 4 and 5 seem to bug the random bg que. Bots get stuck following you after you disband/leave group and never despawn. If you logout then log back in. Bots stop following you, but get stuck standing in place, they never leave the random bg que I believe. Bots left this way get stuck for hours and never move or logout.