ID | Status | Priority | Author | Assignee | Create | Update |
21042 | Pending | high | wuonpartic… |
The quest Bidden to Greatness is impossible to complete because the gate never opens even if you abandon and reaccept the quest multiple times. I recommend just spawning someone to allow faction selection and tell people to teleport their character from the portal.
1. | Celtix | Class: Warrior | Faction: Alliance | 852 kills |
2. | Onyx | Class: Hunter | Faction: Alliance | 789 kills |
3. | Kidpuncher | Class: Warrior | Faction: Horde | 748 kills |
4. | Maxine | Class: Monk | Faction: Horde | 607 kills |
5. | Signor | Class: Paladin | Faction: Alliance | 583 kills |
6. | Mygfpally | Class: Paladin | Faction: Horde | 503 kills |
7. | Yunawarrior | Class: Warrior | Faction: Alliance | 391 kills |
8. | Origen | Class: Priest | Faction: Horde | 379 kills |
9. | Lontemarte | Class: Hunter | Faction: Horde | 363 kills |
10. | Dafuqboom | Class: Druid | Faction: Horde | 355 kills |
11. | Slyze | Class: Rogue | Faction: Horde | 292 kills |
12. | Duki | Class: Mage | Faction: Horde | 269 kills |
13. | Cheekclpperx | Class: Priest | Faction: Alliance | 262 kills |
14. | Levathen | Class: Hunter | Faction: Alliance | 257 kills |
15. | Gammaray | Class: Warlock | Faction: Alliance | 256 kills |
I managed to complete it, but I don't know what exactly solved the issue. Tried to go through the first door and the NPCs were missing and the door was closed. Tried to go around and finally managed to jump across the wall from the roof of the inn. However I could not complete the quest at the end NPC because the gates were closed. Long story short I used my hearthstone and went back to the inn. Now I abandoned the quest, exited the game and cleared my cache. On logging in on a hunch I disabled all my addons. After this I took the quest again, and now the NPCs were at the gate and everything went according to plan.